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#101 : Une nouvelle héroïne

Alors que la planète Krypton est en train de mourir, Kara El est envoyée avec son cousin nouveau-né Kal El sur Terre, la jeune fille devant protéger le petit. Mais la navette de Kara se perdit dans la Zone fantôme, bloquée dans le temps pendant 25 ans. Une fois sur Terre, Kara était encore adolescente quand Kal était devenu adulte, et connu sous le nom de Superman. Il confia Kara à la famille Danvers, des scientifiques familiers avec la technologie kryptonienne. Douze ans plus tard, Kara cache encore ses pouvoirs et travaille comme assistante pour Cat Grant, une magnat de la presse de National City. Frustrée, le crash annoncé d'un avion où se trouve sa sœur adoptive Alex lui donne l'occasion de montrer au monde qu'elle a les mêmes pouvoirs que Superman.


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Une nouvelle héroïne

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Supergirl jouée par Melissa Benoist dans le ciel

Supergirl jouée par Melissa Benoist dans le ciel

Kara enfile pour la première fois son costume de Supergirl

Kara enfile pour la première fois son costume de Supergirl

Kara Zor-El rencontre James Olsen (Mehcad Brooks)

Kara Zor-El rencontre James Olsen (Mehcad Brooks)

Cat Grant à son bureau, jouée par Calista Flackhart

Cat Grant à son bureau, jouée par Calista Flackhart

Alex, Kara et Hank Henshaw au DEO

Alex, Kara et Hank Henshaw au DEO

Kara après le combat contre Vartox

Kara après le combat contre Vartox

Kara et James à CatCo

Kara et James à CatCo


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France (inédit)
Lundi 10.07.2017 à 23:20
1.48m / 18.1% (Part)

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France (inédit)
Mercredi 02.11.2016 à 21:00

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Belgique (inédit)
Dimanche 17.07.2016 à 20:00

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 26.10.2015 à 20:30
12.96m / 3.1% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Réalisation: Glen Winter
Greg Berlanti  & Ali Adler & Andrew Kreisberg

Dean Cain ... Jeremiah Danvers
Laura Benanti ... Alura Zor-El / Astra
Helen Slater ... Eliza Danvers
Owain Yeoman ... Vartox
Faran Tahir ... Le Commandant
Ben Begley ... Tobey
Robert Gant ... Zor-El
Derek Mio ... Hayashi
Malina Weissman ... Kara Zor-El Jeune
Jordan Mazarati ...  Alex Danvers Jeune
Briana Venskus ... Agent Vasquez
Chriss Anglin ...Pilote
Rick Garcia ... Lui-même
Nick Jaine ... Une personne
Kinna McInroe ... Serveuse
Leyna Nguyen ... Elle-même
Paul Stuart ... Yale
Julian Yuen ... Lui-même

Kara, ses parents et son cousin sont sur la plateforme de lancement des vaisseaux sur Krypton, alors qu'elle leur dit adieu, Kal-El part sur Terre. La capsule de Kara a été déviée avant d'arriver sur Terre vingt quatre ans après. Kal-El devenu Superman place Kara chez les Danvers et leur fille, Alex.

Kara est en ville, des cafés à la main et au téléphone pour sa patronne et arrive à CatCo où elle discute avec Winn qui l'invite pour la soirée mais Kara a un rendez-vous galant. Cat Grant arrive au bureau, Kara la suit et lui donne son latte. Cat lui donne une liste d'instructions à faire.

Kara entre dans un nouveau bureau: celui de James Olsen, le meilleur ami de Superman, son cousin. Elle trouve la photo de Superman et James lui offre. Kara quitte le bureau, oubliant presque les photos qu'elle venait chercher.

Alex rend visite à sa soeur à son appartement. Tandis que Kara raconte sa journée, Alex lui sort une tenue pour la soirée. Kara désigne une robe, Alex lui donne l'autre avant de partir pour Genève.

Kara est au bar avec son rencard, qui lui demande d'où elle vient. Il part pour répondre au téléphone et quitte le bar. Kara entend alors que le vol de sa soeur est entrain de se crasher.

Elle se précipite dans la rue, se débarasse de ses lunettes et de sa veste, s'y prend à deux fois et décolle pour sauver l'avion qu'elle fait passer entre les deux parties du pont. Le pilote appelle à l'aide tandis qu'Alex aide les passagers. Kara fait atterir l'avion dans l'eau.

Kara regarde les infos en mangeant de la pizza et râle devant la télévision. Alex arrive et alors que Kara est surexcitée, Alex ne veut pas qu'elle se révèle au monde en tant que Supergirl. Elle ne pourra jamais avoir une vie normale si elle fait ça et elle ne sera pas en sécurité. Kara demande à Alex de quitter son appartement.

Kara arrive, méfiante à Catco, de peur que quelqu'un l'identifie. Winn se moque de la super héroïne puisqu'elle n'a pas de costume. Cat Grant s'énerve contre ses collaborateurs qui n'ont rien d'inédit sur la super-héroine. James s'interpose et défend la super héroine. Cat décide de tout miser sur Supergirl. Alors que tout le monde repart, Cat appelle "Kira" pour un latte. Kara quitte le bureau et demande à Winn de la retrouver sur le toit.

Winn retrouve Kara sur le toit, Kara commence à lui annoncer la nouvelle, il pense d'abord qu'elle fait son coming-out. Kara tente de lui expliquer qu'elle est la femme qui a sauvé l'avion mais Winn ne la croit pas, elle saute alors du toit pour lui prouver qu'elle est "Elle".

Un homme dans un bar regarde les infos avant de se rendre dans un camin citerne, c'est un alien, il discute avec un autre alien à distance. Il annonce qu'il va tuer la fille d'Alura.

Winn et Kara sont chez la jeune femme pour lui faire un costume, Winn fait plusieurs essais avant de trouver un costume qui va à Kara. 

Kara part alors sur une course poursuite avant d'ajouter la cape à son costume. Elle part sur un braquage de banque et change de cape: trouée par les balles. Elle ajoute le blason des El et met des bottes. 

En plein vol, Kara est touchée et tombe au sol. Elle se réveille auprès d'Hank Hanshaw et de sa soeur au DEO. Hank explique à Kara que l'invasion alien est de sa faute. La prison Fort Rozz et ses prisonniers.

Alex et Kara se disputent à cause des mensonges d'Alex à Kara. 

Kara arrive à Catco et découvre que Cat a nommé la super héroine "Supergirl". Kara tente de défendre les intérêts de Supergirl mais Cat insiste. James arrive avec une photo de Kara. Kara s'énerve après James avant d'entendre Vartox via des ultrasons. 

Supergirl se rend alors pour affronter Vartox mais celui-ci est plus fort que ce qu'elle pensait et elle ne parvient pas à le maîtriser. Il lui reproche les actes de sa mère sur Krypton. Elle est secourue par Alex et le DEO.

Alex soigne Kara au DEO. Kara demande des explications à Alex sur sa mère. Alex lui dit qu'elle devrait rester cachée, que ce n'est pas sécurisé pour elle d'être un héros avec le passé de sa mère.

Kara est chez elle, elle joue avec le collier de sa mère. Alex arrive pour lui parler mais Kara ne veut pas lui parler. Alex s'explique donc auprès de Kara à travers la porte. Elle explique qu'avant l'arrivée de Kara, elle était le centre du monde pour ses parents et qu'avec elle, elle était moins importante. Mais elle l'encourage finalement à se montrer pour sauver le monde. Kara ne veut plus. Alex lui donne alors une boîte: Cette boîte kryptonienne contient l'hologramme de sa mère. Kara le découvre avec Alex.

Alex et Kara arrivent au DEO. Hank ne veut pas de l'aide de Kara pourtant bien déterminée à battre Vartox. Alex soutient sa soeur.

Vartox est au volant de son camion. Supergirl se place au milieu de la route, prête à avoir sa revanche sur Vartox.

Alex défend sa soeur face aux accusations de Hank. Alex dit à Kara quand elle doit attaquer. Kara réussit donc à gagner contre Vartox qui se suicide. Le DEO se réjouit. 

Kara arrive à CatCo. Winn parle à Kara du retour sur Supergirl en ligne.

James attend Kara sur le toit. Il sait qu'elle est Supergirl. C'est Clark qui l'a envoyé à National City pour veiller sur elle puisqu'il voulait prendre le large. Il lui donne alors la couverture de Kal-El qui lui servira de cape.

Kara vole au dessus de National City, fière.

Dans un lieu inconnu, un homme et une femme discutent. La femme annonce que sa nièce ne pourra pas l'arrêter. 



Voix-off : Je m’appelle Kara Zor-El. Il y a vingt-quatre ans, ma planète, Krypton, était en péril. Mon cousin, Kal-El, fut envoyé sur une planète appelée la Terre pour être mis à l’abri du danger.

Quelque part sur Krypton, un couple est sur le point de placer leur enfant dans une nacelle.

Voix-off : Vous connaissez sûrement son histoire.

Après un dernier baiser sur son front, Jor-El et Lara Lor-Van installent le bébé Kal-El dans sa nacelle, qui prend son envol peu après en direction de sa nouvelle planète… la Terre.

Voix-off : Ce que vous ne savez pas, c’est qu’on m’envoya également sur Terre pour le protéger.                                            

Non loin derrière, le père de Kara Zor-El, prépare, lui aussi, la nacelle de sa fille. Une fois prête, la mère et la fille arrivent rapidement vers Zor-El.

Zor-El : Les coordonnées de ta capsule sont couplées à celle de Kal-El. Tu vas donc le suivre jusqu’à la Terre.

Kara : Je n’ai pas peur, papa.

Alura : Le voyage sera long. Mais tu vas beaucoup dormir, et on t’accompagnera dans tes rêves. Tu fais le trajet vers la Terre pour veiller sur ton jeune cousin, Kal-El. Tu puiseras ta force dans le soleil jaune et tu auras de grands pouvoirs sur cette planète. Tu accompliras des choses extraordinaires.

Kara : Je ne décevrais pas Kal-El, et vous non plus. 

Alura, après l’avoir embrassée : Je t’aime, Kara.

Une explosion se fait entendre à l’extérieur de la rampe de départ.

Alura : Tu dois partir… maintenant !

Après un instant d’hésitation, Kara enlace sa mère.

Alura : Va, vite !

Kara monte dans sa capsule. Cette dernière prend son envol pour sa nouvelle destination. Au même instant, Krypton vit ses dernières secondes, avec les nombreuses explosions.



Voix-off : Les choses ne se déroulèrent pas exactement comme ma mère l’avait prévu.

Krypton finie par disparaître en explosant. La capsule de Kara dévie de sa trajectoire.

Voix-off : L’explosion de Krypton créa une onde de choc qui fit dévier la course de ma capsule et l’expédia dans la Zone Fantôme, une région de l’espace où le temps est figé.

La capsule entre dans une zone bleutée où elle reste bloquée.



Voix-off : Ma capsule erra dans cette zone pendant vingt-quatre ans. Jusqu’à ce qu’elle atteigne enfin sa destination. A mon arrivée, j’étais encore une petite fille de treize ans. Mais à ce moment-là, mon cousin Kal-El avait eu le temps de grandir, et il s’était fait connaître à votre monde en tant que Superman, l’homme le plus puissant de tout l’univers.

Toujours installée dans sa nacelle, Kara est secourue par Superman, qui lui tend sa main pour la sortir de là. Plus tard, son cousin l’accompagne chez une famille d’adoption.



Voix-off : Pour mon cousin, il était important que je grandisse, comme lui, dans un environnement sûr, au sein d’une famille d’humains. Il me conduisit donc auprès de mes parents adoptifs, les Danvers. Des scientifiques qui l’avaient aidé à comprendre ses propres super-pouvoirs.

Eliza : Je sais que je ne suis pas ta mère, ma belle. Mais tu seras en sécurité, ici.

Voix-off : Ils avaient une fille. Alex. Même si nous étions nés sur deux planètes différentes, nous avions une chose en commun : nous savions que notre vie ne serait plus jamais la même. Quant à mon cousin, il n’avait plus besoin de ma protection. Je n’avais plus de mission à accomplir. Mais, même si j’avais exactement les mêmes pouvoirs que lui…




Kara marche au milieu d’une foule et touche une personne involontairement.

Kara : Oh ! Pardon, désolé !

Voix-off : J’estimais que la meilleure chose à faire était de me fondre dans la masse. Après tout, la Terre n’avait pas besoin d’un nouveau héros…

Kara est au téléphone. Elle fait une réservation, un plateau à la main.

Kara, au téléphone : Il me faudrait deux places d’orchestre pour Dracula. Non, pas pour mademoiselle Grant, c’est sa mère qui veut y aller. Oui, encore ! D’accord, j’attends. Charlie, je vous appelle pour le gala des correspondants à la Maison Blanche. Il faut s’assurer que mademoiselle Grant ne sois pas assise à côté de journalistes trop pendus.



Voix-off : Je travaille chez CatCo WorldWide Media, un empire de la Presse écrite et numérique créée par ma patronne, Cat Grant, la femme la plus puissante de National City. Du moins, pendant encore quelques jours.

Kara, avec d’autres personnels, sort de l’ascenseur de CatCo et se dirige à son bureau quand elle est accostée par un collègue et ami.



Kara: My name is Kara Zor-El. 24 years ago my planet, Krypton, was in serious peril. My cousin, Kal-El, was sent to a planet called Earth for his own safety and protection. You may know his story. The story you don't know is that I was sent to protect him.

Zor-El: Your pod's coordinates are interlocked with Kal-El's. You will follow him to Earth.

Kara: I'm not afraid, Father.

Alura: The trip is long but you'll sleep most of the way and we'll be with you in your dreams. You'll journey to Earth to look after your baby cousin, Kal-El. Because of the Earth's yellow sun, you'll have great powers on this planet. You will do extraordinary things.

Kara: I won't fail Kal-El or you.

Alura: I love you, Kara. You must go, now. Go!


Kara: Things didn't exactly go according to my mother's plan. Krypton's destruction sent a shock wave that knocked my pod off course and into the Phantom Zone. A region in space where time doesn't pass.


Kara: I slept there for 24 years until somehow I got here. When I arrived, I was still a 13-year-old girl. But in that same time my cousin Kal-El had grown up and revealed himself to your world as Superman. The most powerful man in the universe.


Kara : My cousin wanted me to have the same safe human-type childhood he did. So he placed me with my adoptive family, the Danvers. Scientists who once helped him understand his own super abilities.

Eliza: I know I'm not your mom, sweetheart. But you're safe here.

Kara: They had a daughter, Alex. And despite being born on different planets, we both shared one thing. We knew our lives would never be the same again. My cousin, he didn't need my protection. I didn't have a mission anymore. But even though I had all the same powers he did

End of flashback


Kara: Sorry, sorry.

Kara: I decided the best thing I could do is fit in. After all, Earth didn't need another hero.

Kara : I need two tickets in the orchestra section for Wicked. No, not for Miss Grant. Her mother wants to see it. Yes, again. Sure, I'll hold. Charlie? I'm calling about the Correspondents Dinner, I need to make sure Miss Grant doesn't end up next to Bill O'Reilly again.

Catco Worldwide Media

Kara: I work at Catco Worldwide Media. An online and print empire built by my boss, Cat Grant. The most powerful woman in National City. At least, for the next few days.

Winn : Did you see this? There was an armored car robbery last night. There were no witnesses except for this homeless guy - who swears the perp had horns.

Kara : Thanks.

Winn : Like, on his head! I'm telling you, they're out there. Aliens!

Kara : Winn, there's no such thing as aliens.

Winn : Well, you might feel differently if you read this website.

Kara : You write that website.

Winn : I contribute…Hey, um, I was wondering if maybe you wanna I don't know, go see, go see a movie tonight.

Kara : I… I can't. I'm sorry. I have a date.

Winn : Date, really?

Kara : Mmm.

Winn : That's great… Fun. Dating is fun. Who is that with?

Kara : It's an online date. Says we are 82% compatible, so… Should be good.

Winn : You know that you can't quantify emotions based on algorithms?

Kara : Winn, you're IT, isn't your whole life based on algorithms?

Winn : Yes, so if there was an algorithm for love I think that I would know about it. It's just like you're gonna know when it hits you, Kara. It'll be all « wah-pow »

Cat: Ugh, this elevator is a human petri-dish. It's like standing up in coach.

Kara : She's here.

Winn : How do you do that?

Kara : Good morning, Miss Grant.

Cat : The only reason I bought this building was because it had a private elevator. That way, I don't have to get soaked in cheap cologne every morning, getting to my office. Find out who used it, have them reprimanded, or bathed, I don't care which.

Kara : Here's your latte. Hot.

Cat : That'll be new and different. I have a meeting with the board today at lunch, so cancel sushi with my mother. Oh, and cancel my therapist. I won't be needing it - if I'm not having lunch with my mother.

Kara : Got it.

Cat : Also, I've emailed a list. Prepare termination letters for the Tribune employees as noted. But it would be so nice if you handwrote them. Use the lesser card stock.

Kara : You're downsizing the Tribune? But that was your first acquisition.

Cat : Go see if the new art director has the layout ready. It's not that I don't see your frown, it's just that I don't care enough to ask why it's there.

Kara : All those people, they're going to lose their jobs. What's going to happen to them, to their families? They don't have to downsize at the Daily Planet.

Cat : Metropolis has a person who wears a cape and flies around performing heroic acts. The Planet puts this superlative man on their cover 54% of the time. You wanna save the Trib? Go find me a hero, Kerah.

Kara : Kara. Hello? Hello?

James: I'll be just a minute.

Kara : Miss Grant sent me for layouts and she doesn't like to wait.

James : Well, she can wait a minute.

Kara : Have you met Miss Grant?

James : Yeah, what is she gonna do? Fire me right after hiring me? Her loss. Hey. I'm the new guy.

Kara : Oh, it's him. I've seen this picture, uh, like a million times. It won the Pulitzer. Wow.

James : Yeah, only 'cause it was the first real shot of him. Little secret, he actually posed for that. I guess he likes me.

Kara : Oh, my God, you're Jimmy Olsen. The photographer from the Daily Planet.

James : James Olsen. Well, Jimmy is reserved for my mom and the big guy. He's kind of stuck in his ways.

Kara : Um, I know what I've read, but… What's he like in real life?

James : He is everything you want him to be and more. I mean… I was scared to move out here, but, uh, he told me the biggest risk is never taking any, so…

Kara : Hmm.

James : Take it.

Kara : Hmm?

James : Take it.

Kara : This? No. Oh, God, no, I can't. I can't.

James : It's just a print. Please, take it. But first you have to tell me who you are. I never got your name.

Kara : Oh. Gosh. Hi. Kara. Uh, Kara Danvers.

James : Kara. Anyone ever tell you that you look a little like him right here?

Kara : No. Uh, no. No, you're the first. Uh, thank you. Very much.

James : Yeah, of course. Um… Layouts.

Kara : Right. Almost forgot them. Bye. Wah-pow.

Kara’s apartment

Alex : I have a conference in Geneva and I need to be on a plane in 2 hours.

Kara : And I have a blind date in half an hour and I need you to help me pick out what to wear. I win.

Alex : Why do you do this to me?

Kara : Because I'm your sister and you love me. I don't know, I feel like I'm not living up to my potential. I went to work for Cat Grant because I thought working in a media company run by a powerful woman who actually shapes the way people think would be the way that I could make a difference. But, instead, I just fetch layouts and coffee.

Alex : You always wanted to be normal, right? So, having a crappy boss and absolutely nothing to wear…This is what normal looks like.

Kara : I am not normal! I have the same powers he does. I can lift a bus, stop a bullet. Alex, I can fly. At least, I think I can. I haven't done it in years.

Alex : Kara, you've got a good job, you're cute, and thanks to your alien DNA - you can't get pimples. Life is not so bad. But, if you really wanna help somebody, you'll pick between one of these two, so I can get on my plane.

Kara : Uh, yep.

Alex : Good choice. When in doubt, go with blue, it is your color. All right. Text me every detail from your date and I will call you when I'm back from Geneva. I love you.

Kara : Love you.


Tobey : So, where you from originally?

Kara : Like where was I born? Um, uh, north.

Tobey : I gotta hit this back real quick. Check please. Make sure your number's on it.

Man on TV: If you're just joining us, shortly after take-off, National City Airlines, Flight 237 bound for Geneva, is experiencing some loss of altitude. The pilot seems to be circling the city after apparent engine failure.

Kara : Did he say Geneva? Alex.


Pilot : We just lost another engine. Mayday. Mayday. Mayday. Flight attendants, brace for impact. We're leveling off.

Kara : Oh, come on!

Kara’s apartment

Man on TV : The passengers of Flight 237 appear to have a guardian angel. When, what many report to be a female flying form…

Kara : Oh, my God.

Man on TV : …rescued them from certain death. Leyna Nguyen is live at the scene.

Woman on TV : Thank you, Rick. Guardian angel or human wrecking ball?

Kara : What?

Woman on TV : There is destruction all over Otto Binder Bridge. And one…

Kara : Well, you try saving a plane for the first time. See if you don't make a mess.

Alex : Oh, my God.

Kara : I know ! It's incredible!

Alex : Ow.

Kara : Oh, sorry. That was… That was too hard. I'm just… I'm so excited. I still can't believe I did it.

Alex : Yeah. Neither can I. Are you okay?

Kara : Me? Am I okay? Are you okay?

Alex : Yes, thank you.

Kara : Were you scared? I mean, I was scared too, but you… You had to be terrified. Because you had no idea I was coming to save you.

Alex : I need a drink.

Kara : Right! Yeah, we need to celebrate. It has been so long. I almost forgot how to fly. Well, not so much “how,” but more, more how it feels, like… Scared, but good scared. Like, like that moment right before you kiss someone for the first time. And now… Now it's like… I'm not sure what comes next. Or maybe I am sure and I'm just afraid of what it means. And if it means what I think it means.

Alex : What were you thinking? You exposed yourself. To the world. You're out there now, Kara. Everyone will know about you and you can't take that back.

Kara : I don't want to. This is what I was talking about, Alex. I've always felt the need to help people, and tonight I finally got that chance. I… I didn't travel 2,000 light-years just to be an assistant.

Alex : What if people figure out who you are? What you are? It's just… It's not safe for you to do anything like that. Ever again.

Kara : Oh. I'm kind of tired, I… I just carried a plane on my back. I'm gonna go to bed. You should go.

Alex : Don't say I didn't warn you.

Catco Worldwide Media

Man: Good morning, National City. Our top story, the only story anyone's talking about. Who is the mystery flying woman who saved the plane?

Woman on TV : Despite extensive efforts, no one has been able to identify who, or rather, what she is.

Kara : Pretty cool, huh?

Winn : A plane-saving lady? How is the world supposed to take her seriously if she can't even come up with a suit? What… Metropolis gets him and what does National City get? Some rookie superhero?

Cat : I know many of you are used to being second best but it's new to me. The most incredible event in the history of National City and yet we have no exclusive of any kind.

Man 1 : We don't have much to go on. The image we're working off is low res…

Man 2 : I guess she's around 5'9”. It's tough to Gauge with her height measured up against an airplane.

Man 3 : Hair color brown. Or black.

James: Or maybe her hair is just dirty. You know, from soot. The plane exhaust.

Cat : James, you make an excellent point. Do you think there's any connection between this hero and…

James : To my friend in blue? I don't know. I mean, not that he mentioned, but if she's anything like him, she's a hero. Saving people is what they're born to do. She'll be back.

Cat: Hmm. She better be. This girl is the answer. She is exactly what I need to save the Tribune. Besides fatty foods, there is nothing people love more than a hero. We are going to blow her up. We will feature her online and in the paper, but we need images, we need video, we need an interview, and exclusive content. So go. Go get me that girl. And, Kerah… Go get me a lettuce wrap.

James: It's funny. That was the first thing he did. Save a plane, I mean.

Kara : Winn, I need to talk to you on the roof.

Winn : The roof?

The roof

Winn : Kara? Hey, uh, just whatever you have to say, can you make it quick? I'm not really into being this high up.

Kara : Okay, um, Winn, I'm going to tell you something about me that only three people in my life know. Can I trust you?

Winn : Yeah, yeah, of course.

Kara : Good. Um, I just I really want someone to be excited for me. And I, um… Right, how do… Uh, there's something about me that for most of my life, I've run from it. But last night, I embraced who I am and I don't want to stop.

Winn : Oh, my God, you're a lesbian. Oh, Kara, that's why you're not into me. This is, this is great news!

Kara : No. I'm not gay! I'm… I'm her! The woman who saved the plane!

Winn : Okay. Yeah, okay. Right. Kara, what are you doing? Hey, Kara! Hey, get away from the ledge, you're gonna get hurt. Kara! Hey! You're… You're her!

Kara : Yup.


Man on TV : More reports coming in on last night's plane rescue. The big question. Is there a connection between this mysterious flying woman…

Vartox : More coffee.

Man on TV : …and the man of steel?

Vartox : Hey!

Waitress: Sorry about that, sir. Can you believe it? A female hero. Nice for my daughter to have someone like that to look up to.

Vartox : Yeah, real nice.


Man : What happened with the plane, Vartox? You were ordered to bring it down.

Vartox : Our trap worked. The DEO agents were on board and the bomb detonated.

Man : Then why aren't they dead?

Vartox : The female. She flew into the sky and caught the plane.

Man : Who is she?

Vartox : Zor-El saved his child before Krypton's destruction.

Man : Alura's daughter.

Vartox : She's working with the humans.

Man : Twelve years we've been forced to hide in the shadows. But the General's arrival is imminent. Nothing must interfere. You are instructed to eliminate the human operatives. You can add this girl to the list.

Vartox : Can't promise her death won't be public. And messy.

Man : Human casualties are irrelevant.

Vartox : Good. And if she is Alura Zor-El's daughter, then she will pay for her mother's debts. And so will her city.

Kara’s apartment

Winn : So, how is it? Huh? How does it fit?

Kara : I'm not flying around saving people in this thing. I… I wouldn't even wear it to the beach. Where's my cape?

Winn : Capes are lame. Tyour cousin I said so. Actually, never, never do that.

Kara : Oh.

Winn : Kara, you look really pretty without your glasses.

Kara : Winn.

Winn : So, uh… To be a superhero you need a crime. I hacked into the NCPD. There's a car chase on the 112 freeway.

Kara : I could do a car chase!

Winn : A cape aids with aerodynamics, I should have thought of that.

Officer on Radio: West National City Bank. Reporting a 432. Sixth and Spring. Suspects are armed and dangerous.

Winn : You, uh… You're sure you're bulletproof?

Kara : Hope so.

Winn : All right, the new cape is made from a structured polymer composite. It's much sturdier than… And, uh… This one has the “S.” For “Super” just like your cousin.

Kara : It's not an “S”. It's my family's coat of arms. The House of El.

Officier on radio : Four-alarm fire at Gates and Igle.

Winn : I'm assuming you can't catch on fire.


Hank : Made of low-grade Kryptonite. Radioactive mineral from your home planet. It weakens you.

Kara : Where… Where am I? Who are you?

Hank : Name is Hank Henshaw. And I believe you already know Agent Danvers.

Alex : She doesn't need those.

Hank : Welcome to the DEO, the Department of Extranormal Operations. The DEO monitors and protects Earth from extraterrestrial presence and/or invasion. That means you. Your ship. We keep it here as a reminder of the day you crashed on Earth. You're the reason for all of this.

Kara : Me? But… My… But my cousin was here two dozen years before me.

Hank : And it was his arrival that triggered the need for this organization. We realized we weren't alone in the universe and we might soon be getting more immigrants. Sure enough, you came along. And with you, Fort Rozz.

Kara : Fort Rozz?

Hank : Krypton's maximum security prison. Banished to the Phantom Zone, same place your ship got stuck. But just like yours, it didn't stay there. We're not sure how your pod got loose. What we do know is this. You pulled Fort Rozz with you. When it crashed, the alien convicts, the worst criminals in the galaxy, they all escaped. And you brought them here. These beings, some of them have powers from your darkest nightmares. For over a decade they've stayed hidden. But in the last year many have been emerging, making themselves known.

Alex : They're planning something. We're just not sure what it is yet.

Kara : Your plane. That wasn't an accident. They were trying to kill you. I can help you stop them.

Hank : How? You couldn't even stop us from capturing you.

Kara : I'm still learning.

Hank : Our job is keeping people in the dark about alien life on Earth, and nothing says “covert operation” like a flying woman in a red skirt.

Kara : They know about my cousin, they don't fear him.

Hank : Plenty of people do, just not popular to admit it. You wanna help? Go back to getting someone's coffee.

Alex: I know you're mad and you're hurt. I wanted to tell you every single day

Kara : No, instead, you told me every single day not to be who I really am.

Alex : You have to listen to me.

Kara : I can't! This just kind of feels like one big coincidence, doesn't it? You working here, hunting down aliens, me being one? I… I can't help but think the real reason that you were recruited was because of me.

Alex : They recruited me because my background in bio-engineering makes me an expert on alien physiology. And, yeah, it helps that I shared a bathroom with one.

Kara : I'm leaving now. Unless you wanna try and stop me. Which I wouldn't.

Hank : I know you don't wanna hear this, Agent Danvers, but she's dangerous. You, above all people, should know that.

Catco Worldwide Media

Man on TV: Of course, leave it to media magnate, Cat Grant, to put a name to a face. Miss Grant dubbed National City's new female hero, “Supergirl”. And if Twitter is any indicator, the name appears to be catching on.

Kara : “Supergirl”? We can't name her that!

Cat : “We” didn't.

Kara : Right, I'm sorry. It's just, uh... I don't want to minimize the importance of this. A female superhero. Shouldn't she be called Superwoman?

Cat : I'm sorry, darling, I just can't hear you over the loud color of your cheap pants.

Kara : If we call her “Supergirl” something less than what she is, doesn't that make us guilty of being anti-feminist? Didn't you say she was a hero?

Cat : I'm the hero. I stuck a label on the side of this girl, I branded her. She will forever be linked to Catco, to the Tribune, to me. And what do you think is so bad about “girl”? Huh? I'm a girl. And your boss, and powerful, and rich, and hot and smart. So if you perceive “Supergirl” as anything less than excellent, isn't the real problem you? And if you're so smart, Kerah, could you please give me one reason why I shouldn't fire you?

James: I printed it. And it's an even higher resolution than you hoped for.

Cat: James. You are interrupting a very craftily worded termination.

James : Kara wanted to surprise you, but she has a teller friend that works at West National City Bank. The branch that got robbed.

Kara : Right! Right, yes, I went there. You know, it took me a while to park my car in the streets. The one-way streets are so confusing. You tell it so much better.

James : Kara convinced her source to allow us to use a photograph that she captured.

Cat : You got a clean image of Supergirl? Kerah, if you can't take credit when you do something well, you are gonna be at the bottom of the pile forever. But, mazel tov. You bought yourself another day.

Kara : I was handling the situation.

James : Oh, yeah? What was your plan? To get yelled at and fired? 'Cause that was working.

Kara : I don't need you or anyone else fighting my battles for me.

Vartox: I'm communicating at 50,000 hertz. If you can hear this…

James :You okay?

Vartox : …you were not born on this Earth.

Kara : I, uh Yeah, I… I have a headache. I need some water.

Vartox : Painful, isn't it? The humans of National City will suffer 10 times this pain if you don’t face me. Meet me at the National City Power Plant. How many innocent people are going to die until you prove that you are not a coward Daughter of Alura?

National City Power Plant

Kara : Clever. Picking a spot lined with lead. But I can still hear your heartbeat.

Vartox : On my planet, females bow before males.

Kara : This is not your planet.

Vartox : You look like Alura.

Kara : How do you know my mother's name?

Vartox : You don't easily forget the name of the woman who condemned you to prison.

Kara : Fort Rozz?

Vartox : She was our judge and jailer. Can't kill her. So killing you will have to do. Just because you wear that symbol on your chest doesn't mean you're him. Fighting him would be an honor. Fighting you is just exercise. You actually think that you could stop me? That you'd be able to stop any of us? Now you know what it's like to bleed. Soon, your whole city will bleed.

Alex : Trap one, pursue the hostile.

Man: Copy that.

Alex : Hey, hey, I'm here. I got you, I got you.


Alex : You're gonna be okay.

Kara : I never felt pain like that before. Uh, I've never felt pain.

Alex : You're not indestructible, Kara.

Hank : Nice move nearly letting that alien cut you in half. If we can ID his weapon, it might give us a way to defeat him. Look at that. You did help.

Kara : Did you know about my mom? That she was the one who locked up all those aliens?

Alex : It's why I didn't want you going out there. Showing yourself, showing this. The Fort Rozz escapees would give anything to get revenge on your mother and the only way that they can do that now is to hurt you. I'm trying to protect you.

Kara : You were right. The world doesn't need me.

Kara’s apartment

Alex: Kara, it's me. Can we talk? I know you can see me. I know what you're thinking. That this is all your fault. But it's not. Before you came to live with us, I was the star. And then, I mean, how could I compete with you? With someone who could touch the stars? You know, I was happy when you decided not to use your powers. You know, you feeling like less, somehow made me feel like more. Now the world needs you to fly, Kara.

Kara : I can't, Alex. I can't do it.

Alex : Yeah, you can. Your family believes in you.

Kara : I know you do.

Alex : Oh, I don't mean me.

Kara : That's Kryptonese writing.

Alex : Yeah. Hank and his old team recovered it from the pod that brought you to Earth.

Kara : Mom.

Alura : Kara, my brave daughter. By now you have become the woman I knew you would grow up to be. And though you were sent to Earth to protect young Kal-El, your destiny is not tied to his. There is no correct path in life. You will lose your way many times. What's important is that you find your way back to the brave girl you always were. Be wise, be strong and always be true to yourself.

Kara : So, what do we do now?

Alex : First things first. You need to change.


Hank : It's Agent Danvers and her sister from another planet.

Alex : She's here to help us fight Vartox.

Hank : I told you I don't trust aliens.

Alex : There's no one I trust more. Like her cousin, she was sent here, too, to help us. And if you want any more of my help, we're gonna let her.

Vasquez : I found Vartox. Sir. Uh, ma'ams.

Hank : Where?

Vasquez : The sliver of metal you extracted from Supergirl's arm. Vartox's ax has a unique nuclear thumbprint. Satellites picked him up heading towards the city.

Alex : Vartox said he was ready to start killing humans.

Hank : Order a strike team to intercept.

Kara : Your men will not be able to stop him.

Hank : Thank you for your opinion, Miss Danvers.

Kara : Director Henshaw. People of this city will die because of something I did. I started this. You have to let me stop it.

Hank : Make sure you win.

Hank : Do you have eyes on the target?


Kara : I got him.

Vartox : You never should have come back for more.


Hank : She's not strong enough.

Alex : Why? Because she's just a girl? It's exactly what we were counting on.

Alex : I analyzed the metal on the ax. It's powered by a self-generating atomic charge reaching temperatures up to 2500 degrees.

Hank : How does that help?

Alex : If it gets any hotter than that it's gonna explode. She just has to get close enough to do her thing.


Kara : Stop, I give up. I don't wanna die.

Vartox : Give your mother my regards.


Alex : Kara, do it now.


Kara : It's not working. I can't do it!


Alex : It's why you were sent here. I believe that now, you have to believe it too.


Kara : It's over.

Vartox : You think I'm the threat? You have no idea what's coming.


Alex : She followed your orders. She won.

Hank : Yeah. This time.

Alex : Director Henshaw. I wasn't only recruited because of my sister, was I?

Hank : Yeah, she's why you got in. You are why you get to stay.

Catco Worldwide Media

Winn : Uh, if… If I believe the comments on the website, they mentioned a “Female/reptilian boxing match in the desert.”

Kara : I'll tell you all about it at our next crime-fighting lunch hour.

Winn : Wait, so the Super Friends are back?

Kara : We're not calling ourselves that.

Kara: James. Uh, do you have time to grab lunch?

James : You must be hungry. You probably burn up a lot of calories fighting an ax-wielding alien. Meet me on the roof.

The roof

Kara : You knew. This whole time. He told you.

James : Well, he knew that I was trying to expand my own horizons, so, as a favor, he asked me to expand them here, National City. Hang out. Be near you.

Kara : So, so, wait a minute. He… He wanted me to do this? Why didn't he just tell me?

James : Because he wanted you to choose it for yourself. The same way he did. That's what makes a hero, Kara. Here. From him.

Kara : It's the blanket he was wrapped in when he was a baby.

James : Apparently, this cape won't shred.

Kara : Thank you.

James : He's really proud of you. Me too. Now, don't you have a city to protect? You know… Up, up and away?

Kara: I was sent here to protect my cousin. Turns out he didn't need my protection. But there's a whole planet full of people who do. Earth doesn't have just one hero anymore. Now it has me. Now it has Supergirl.

Unknown place

The commander: General, Vartox is dead. He chose death over capture.

General: Typical of his race.

The commander: He did accomplish one thing. The identity of the girl. It seems she is Alura's daughter.

General : My dear little niece. Of course. She escaped with her cousin.

The commander : A much less of a threat than he is to our endeavors.

General : You're wrong. If she's anything like her mother, she will be just as formidable. It was my right to lead Krypton, I will lead Earth. We all will. Find her and kill her.

The commander : Are you certain, General? After all, Kara Zor-El is your blood.

General : No one can be allowed to stand against us. Not even my niece.

Kikavu ?

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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

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