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survivorhotchner  (29.09.2008 à 21:19)

David Sinclair :  9 points

Colby Granger : 13 + 1 = 14 points

Terry Lake : 8 - 1 = 7 points

Megan Reeves :11 points

Ian Edgerton : 10 points

Survivorgidou55  (29.09.2008 à 21:38)

David Sinclair :  9 points

Colby Granger : 14 points

Terry Lake :  7 points

Megan Reeves : 11 points +1 point = 12 points

Ian Edgerton : 10 points -1 point = 9 points

SurvivorAngelgym34  (30.09.2008 à 13:46)

David Sinclair :  9 points

Colby Granger : 14 - 1 = 13 points

Terry Lake :  7 points

Megan Reeves : 12 +1 = 13 points

Ian Edgerton : 9 points

SurvivorClodou  (30.09.2008 à 14:21)

David Sinclair :  9 points

Colby Granger : 13 + 1 = 14 points

Terry Lake :  7 - 1 = 6 points

Megan Reeves : 13 points

Ian Edgerton : 9 points

Survivorgidou55  (30.09.2008 à 17:54)

David Sinclair :  9 points

Colby Granger :  14 points

Terry Lake :   6 points

Megan Reeves : 13 points +1 = 14 points

Ian Edgerton : 9 points -1 = 8 points

SurvivorAngelgym34  (09.10.2008 à 11:55)

David Sinclair :  9 points

Colby Granger :  14 - 1 = 13 points

Terry Lake :   6 points

Megan Reeves : 14  +1 = 15 points

Ian Edgerton : 9 points -1 = 8 points

survivorgidou55  (09.10.2008 à 16:30)

David Sinclair :  9 points

Colby Granger : 13 points

Terry Lake :   6 points

Megan Reeves : 15 +1 = 16 points

Ian Edgerton : 8 points -1 = 7 points

SurvivorCelyn6414  (11.10.2008 à 18:47)

David Sinclair :  9 - 1 = 8 points

Colby Granger : 13 points

Terry Lake :   6 points

Megan Reeves : 16 + 1 = 17 points

Ian Edgerton : 7 points

Survivor !!july4o  (11.10.2008 à 21:37)

David Sinclair :   8 points

Colby Granger : 13 + 1 =14 points

Terry Lake :   6 points

Megan Reeves : 17 points

Ian Edgerton : 7-1 = 6 points

survivorhotchner  (12.10.2008 à 13:20)

David Sinclair :   8 points

Colby Granger : 14 + 1 =15 points

Terry Lake :   6 - 1 = 5 points

Megan Reeves : 17 points

Ian Edgerton :  6 points

SurvivorAngelgym34  (12.10.2008 à 14:28)

David Sinclair : 8 points

Colby Granger : 15 - 1 =14 points

Terry Lake : 5 points

Megan Reeves : 17 + 1 = 18 points

Ian Edgerton : 6 points

survivorgidou55  (14.10.2008 à 21:48)

David Sinclair : 8 points

Colby Granger :  14 points

Terry Lake : 5 points

Megan Reeves : 18 + 1 = 19 points

Ian Edgerton : 6 points - 1= 5 points

SurvivorAngelgym34  (14.10.2008 à 22:28)

David Sinclair : 8 points

Colby Granger :  14 - 1 = 13 points

Terry Lake : 5 points

Megan Reeves : 19 + 1 = 20 points

Ian Edgerton : 5 points

survivorhotchner  (15.10.2008 à 10:49)

David Sinclair : 8 + 1 = 9 points

Colby Granger : 13 points

Terry Lake : 5 - 1 = 4 points

Megan Reeves : 20 points

Ian Edgerton : 5 points

Survivorgidou55  (15.10.2008 à 15:33)

David Sinclair : 9 points

Colby Granger : 13 points

Terry Lake : 4 points

Megan Reeves : 20 points +1 point = 21 points

Ian Edgerton : 5 points -1 point = 4 points

SurvivorClodou  (15.10.2008 à 16:02)

David Sinclair : 9 points

Colby Granger : 13 + 1 = 14 points

Terry Lake : 4 points

Megan Reeves : 21 points

Ian Edgerton : 4 -1  =  3 points

Survivor gidou55  (20.10.2008 à 17:16)

David Sinclair : 9 points

Colby Granger :  14 points

Terry Lake : 4 points

Megan Reeves : 21 points +1 = 22 points

Ian Edgerton : 3 -1  =  2 points

SurvivorAngelgym34  (20.10.2008 à 19:48)

David Sinclair : 9 points

Colby Granger :  14 - 1 = 13 points

Terry Lake : 4 points

Megan Reeves : 22 + 1 = 23 points

Ian Edgerton : 2 points

SurvivorClodou  (20.10.2008 à 22:55)

David Sinclair : 9 points

Colby Granger :  13 + 1 = 14 points

Terry Lake : 4 - 1 = 3 points

Megan Reeves :  23 points

Ian Edgerton : 2 points

SurvivorCelyn6414  (20.10.2008 à 23:07)

David Sinclair : 9 points

Colby Granger :  14 points

Terry Lake : 3 points

Megan Reeves :  23 + 1 = 24 points

Ian Edgerton : 2  - 1 = 1 points

Survivorgidou55  (21.10.2008 à 14:55)

David Sinclair : 9 points

Colby Granger :  14 points

Terry Lake : 3 points

Megan Reeves :  24 + 1 = 25 points

Ian Edgerton : 1  - 1 = 0 point

survivornenette  (21.10.2008 à 15:17)

David Sinclair : 9 points

Colby Granger :  14 + 1 = 15 points

Terry Lake : 3 points

Megan Reeves :  25 + 1 = 26 points

SurvivorClodou  (21.10.2008 à 19:09)

David Sinclair : 9 points

Colby Granger :  15 + 1 = 16 points

Terry Lake : 3 - 1 = 2 points

Megan Reeves :  26 points

Survivorjuly4o  (21.10.2008 à 19:34)

David Sinclair : 9 points

Colby Granger :  16 + 1 = 17 points

Terry Lake :  2 points

Megan Reeves :  26 -1 = 25 points

SurvivorAngelgym34  (21.10.2008 à 20:00)

David Sinclair : 9 points

Colby Granger :  17 - 1 = 16 points

Terry Lake :  2 points

Megan Reeves :  25 + 1 = 26 points

survivorhotchner  (22.10.2008 à 11:14)

David Sinclair : 9 points

Colby Granger :  16 points

Terry Lake :  2 - 1 = 1 points

Megan Reeves :  26 + 1 = 27  points

SurvivorAngelgym34  (22.10.2008 à 13:11)

David Sinclair : 9 points

Colby Granger : 16 - 1 = 15 points

Terry Lake : 1 points

Megan Reeves :  27 + 1 = 28  points

Survivorgidou55  (22.10.2008 à 15:10)

David Sinclair : 9 points

Colby Granger : 15 points

Terry Lake : 1  -1 = 0 point

Megan Reeves :  28 + 1 = 29  points

SurvivorClodou  (22.10.2008 à 15:50)

David Sinclair : 9 - 1 = 8 points

Colby Granger : 15 + 1 = 16 points

Megan Reeves :   29  points


*** Terry Lake est éliminée.

Survivorgidou55  (23.10.2008 à 15:13)

David Sinclair : 8 - 1 = 7 points

Colby Granger :  16 points

Megan Reeves : 29  points + 1 point = 30 points


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